Osteo Bi Flex Triple Strength Caplets

I recently went back to taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM because of severe arthritic pain in my left knee that suddenly emerged. (I had stopped taking it about a year ago because of a major study that showed that Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MCM was not effective, but have since learned that this study was funded by Celebrex...anyway, that is another story.)
I had been taking another Glucosamine supplement for about two months, as well as using Penetrex as a topical anti-inflammatory and doing PT exercises. My knee pain had lessened substantially. However, when I shifted to the Osteo Bi-Flex, my knee pain pretty much completely vanished...within three days! At first, I couldn't figure out what could have caused the improvement, but the only change I had made was shifting to the Osteo Bi-Flex, so I have to think that it made a real difference and surprisingly quickly. I'm definitely going to continue taking this indefinitely to hang on to the cartilage I have left. My orthopedic specialist says that Glucosamine effects are the placebo effect, but I don't think so. (Maybe he is receiving gifts from Celebrex). However, if this is the placebo effect, I'm all for it...no pain and no side effects (that I know of).
This product really works well. After 10 days you will notice improvement if not complete "remission" from
BalasHapusjoint pain. I was on a strong anti-inflamatory until I started osteo bi-flex and no longer take the anti-inflamatory.
Started taking this after about a month and a half of working out following a two year hiatis from any sort of exercise. While I should let myself suffer for being so lazy for those two years, I purchased Osteo Bi-Flex to help alleviate; shoulder, elbow, and knee discomfort. And alleviate my discomfort it certainly has. I take two pills (one at breakfast and one at dinner) daily and I feel great. I currently experience no pain in any of my joints and have been working out 4-5 times a week pretty rigorously(rigorously for an out of shape 30 something).
BalasHapusFive months ago I received a bone scan that revealed my hip joints had degenerated due to my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I'd been taking a pain killer ever since for my hip pain. I tried THIS product and I can only attest to the fact I am no longer on pain killers. With just two of these tablets per day. That should say it all.
BalasHapusI had been taking another brand of glucosamine/MSM for many months and did not feel as if I was improving. My right knee still hurt; both knees still "popped" when I walked, and I was still waking up in the middle of the night with lower back pain. I have a host of chronic illnesses - including MS, Fibromyalgia, and lupus. After FOUR days of taking this supplement, both my knees stopped popping, my right knee felt so great I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes - and had NO PAIN! I slept through the night, and my lower back does not hurt! Like I said - Absolutely A Miracle!
BalasHapusI'm in my thirties and was recommended these by a friend as I was having knee and elbow pain from boxing and running. I have been taking them for three weeks and after about a week I noticed relief, and after three weeks my knee is fine and the pain and restriction in my elbow is greatly reduced, I haven't made any other changes to my regiment or diet other than adding these tablets so I'm very happy to keep taking them.
BalasHapusYou take one (very large) pill in the morning and one (very large) pill in the evening and joint pain virtually disappears. Give it about 1-2 weeks to start working. This supplement is not Cheap but it definitely does the Trick. You should shop around for the best price but, at any price, it is money well spent.
BalasHapusMy surgeon recommended this product specifically after knee surgery and told me it is what he takes to keep his joints healthy. I haven't tried any generic brands because this is exactly what he told me to take. I've had full recovery and am back to running.
BalasHapusI recently went back to taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM because of severe arthritic pain in my left knee that suddenly emerged. (I had stopped taking it about a year ago because of a major study that showed that Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MCM was not effective, but have since learned that this study was funded by Celebrex...anyway, that is another story.)
BalasHapusI had been taking another Glucosamine supplement for about two months, as well as using Penetrex as a topical anti-inflammatory and doing PT exercises. My knee pain had lessened substantially. However, when I shifted to the Osteo Bi-Flex, my knee pain pretty much completely vanished...within three days! At first, I couldn't figure out what could have caused the improvement, but the only change I had made was shifting to the Osteo Bi-Flex, so I have to think that it made a real difference and surprisingly quickly. I'm definitely going to continue taking this indefinitely to hang on to the cartilage I have left. My orthopedic specialist says that Glucosamine effects are the placebo effect, but I don't think so. (Maybe he is receiving gifts from Celebrex). However, if this is the placebo effect, I'm all for it...no pain and no side effects (that I know of).